Setting up your environment
This article describes how to set up your sandbox environment to test your app.
The sandbox apps allow you to develop your app without needing access to a full ATS.
To install the sandbox apps you require, start by going to our Developer portal, sign up and click at top right to create a tenant.
Creating an app
Follow the steps below in the order provided to setup your sandbox environment. The apps prefixed with "Developer" are unpublished sandbox apps that you install via their install token (see the next section below for their tokens). The other apps can be found publicly listed in TAS (find them with "Browse apps" from within your tenant). You can start in an incognito window for these steps.
- If you don't already have an account, sign in to and create one (do not use the email authentication option).
- Create a tenant, then sign in to the tenant.
- (optional) If you want other people to be able to sign in to your tenant as users, then edit the regex on the installed identity app's "restrict sign ins from" section
- Install Developer ATS (when the 403 error occurs, click back, sign out and sign in again)
- Install the same identity app that is already installed in the tenant, but this time for principal type of candidate
- Install Developer Career Site
- Install Assessment hub
- Install Switchgear
- Install Tracker
- Install an apply app, e.g. SimpleApply or Developer Apply
- Click to open Developer ATS
- Create a job (leave all the date fields blank, complete all other fields, make it visible externally)
- On the job details page, you'll see the embedded SwitchGear panel. Click "Edit" and drag the apply button onto the job.
- Click to open Developer Careers
- Browse in to your job, click the Apply button, and complete the application process
- Return to Developer ATS and you should see the incoming job application (in the Incoming bucket)
Sandbox apps - Install tokens
Install token
Assessment app
Developer ATS
After you install the ATS you might see a 403 error - hit back, sign out, and then sign back in again. This is a common problem for any apps that act as assertion decorators.
Developer careers site
Developer Apply
Developer Alerts